Worried about your blood sugar?
You’ve been told that your weight is to blame it’s only a matter of time before you develop diabetes. That’s a lie!

You’ve been told that you’re insulin resistant. Maybe something showed up in a routine blood test. Maybe you’ve got PCOS or gestational diabetes. Or maybe it’s just a hunch. Either way, your weight is to blame and weight loss is the magical solution to all your problems, right? You’re fixating on your blood sugar, worrying about diet and exercise, and dreading the day your doctor tells you that you’re diabetic. So much so, that you’re simply avoiding them.
Here's what I know
🩺 Insulin resistance is primarily genetic so you are not to blame
🩺 Prediabetes is a misleading term and is actually the result of a PR stunt in 2001
🩺 You can’t control your blood glucose or prevent diabetes
🩺 Weight loss won’t help – if anything it will make insulin resistance worse in the long term
🩺 You haven’t done anything wrong and have nothing to be ashamed of
🩺 Insulin resistance shouldn’t take over your life. It should be a mere blip on the radar.
You deserve facts as opposed to fearmongering and thinly veiled threats. You shouldn’t be made to feel ashamed or guilty for something that is entirely out of your hands. Instead, you should be in control of your body, your healthcare, and your overall wellbeing. And I want to give that to you.
what you're going through and takes the time to explain
and allows you to ask questions, without judging you
you that you're not to blame and never brings up your weight
and empowers you, letting you know that you are never alone
The future looks promising
Where are you are now
❌Constantly worrying about your blood sugar
❌Blaming yourself for your HbA1c
❌Scared of developing diabetes
❌Hyper focussing on food and exercise
❌Worried about getting in trouble with your doctor
❌Unclear about how you’re supposed to be managing and following up your condition
❌Tired all the time
❌Dreading your next review
Where you're heading to
✅No longer thinking about your blood sugar
✅No longer blaming yourself for your HbA1c
✅Clear about your individual risk profile
✅Able to eat and move intuitively
✅Confidently reclaiming your power back from your doctor
✅Clear about how you’re supposed to be managing and following up your condition
✅Managing your fatigue
✅Confident about your next review
My promise to you
This isn’t going to be a long, drawn out process that requires a lot of time and energy on your part. Join my self paced course and we’ll cover it all in just 90 minutes! If you want to broaden your knowledge, choose the package that includes 4 additional one hour masterclasses on type 2 diabetes, NAFLD (fatty liver disease), Ozempic and weight loss surgery. Alternatively, you can book a one-to-one consultation where we’ll go through everything step-by-step and you’ll leave with an individualised management plan. Can’t chose between the two? Book a consultation and you’ll get the self paced course for FREE!
Opt for the consultation and you’ll leave with a personalised management plan that you can share with your own medical team. As for the self paced course, I’ve broken down the content into bitesize videos. You also get access to the slides and links to all the references.
All my resources are designed to remove guilt, shame, and blame from the equation. I deepen your understanding of insulin resistance without mentioning weight, diet or exercise. As a result, you’ll feel in control, and able to face your next review.
If I’ve done my job properly, you’ll only need to see me once! The aim is to teach you everything I know as well as empowering you to take control of your own healthcare. I’ll help you advocate for yourself in the future, including a customizable script that you can adapt over time and use every at every medical consultation.
Join my online community The Weighting Room, which I host on Discord. Here you’ll meet other like-minded, higher weight diabetics, PLUS you can request coaching whenever you need it. We meet twice a month on zoom for ongoing support.
Choose facts over fearmongering
Self Paced Course
🩺90 minutes of video content broken down into simple, manageable lessons
🩺Copies of slides and links to research papers
🩺Accompanying eBook
Self Paced Course PLUS
🩺90 minutes of video content broken down into simple, manageable lessons
🩺Copies of slides and links to research papers
🩺Four masterclasses worth £25 each (NAFLD, Type 2 diabetes, Ozempic and weight loss surgery)
🩺90 minute one to one via zoom
🩺Individualised management plan
🩺Personalised, adaptable script to help you advocate for yourself in the doctor's office
🩺For a limited time only, the self paced course is included for free